Bury 2.0
Coming Soon!
Start Earning NowComing Soon!
Start Earning NowBy staking your tokens, you're not just growing your portfolio through rewards, but also helping secure the network for everyone.
Earn rewards, receive airdrops, and enjoy exclusive partnership benefits
Contribute to the security and efficiency of the Shib ecosystem
Enhance your community participation by boosting your voting power
Stake Shib ecosystem tokens to earn rewards based on the amount you hold in each staked asset. Generally, these rewards are distributed in the native crypto assets of the Shib ecosystem, with stakers also having the opportunity to earn airdrops and exclusive rewards from Shib partnerships.
At a later stage in our journey, the Shib community will also be able to earn rewards through farming and NFT staking, adding new layers of engagement and reward potential for long-term supporters and active participants in the ecosystem.
The future of Shiba Inu will be driven by a multi-phase strategy starting with the introduction of staking, laying the foundation for a decentralized, community-focused ecosystem. First, the DAO Foundation will launch, empowering the Shiba community to make key governance decisions and take an active role in shaping the ecosystem's direction.
As part of this, "Karma Points" will be introduced, rewarding users based on their contributions, engagement, and commitment, creating an incentivized, merit-based environment. Further expanding on user rewards, farming mechanisms will be implemented, allowing users to earn by actively participating in the ecosystem. Finally, NFT staking will be introduced, enabling holders to stake their unique assets, unlocking new opportunities for engagement and utility within the platform.
Through this journey, Shiba Inu aims to build a robust, decentralized platform that empowers its community and drives sustained growth and innovation.